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questions :The Knowledge Revolution
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[Visitor (140.206.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-05-24
In 1997, the American Academy of Sciences published the National Knowledge Assessment Outline, which explained the knowledge revolution: "In recent years, as a result of the development of science and technology, the way the world operates has changed radically.Falling long-distance telecommunications prices, the spread of computers, the emergence of global networks, and developments in biotechnology, materials science and electronic engineering have created new products, service systems, emerging industries and new jobs that were unthinkable 10 years ago."..
According to this understanding, the knowledge revolution involves a wide range of things: the "big explosion" of knowledge caused by the rapid development of science and technology, the fundamental changes in the way the world operates (political, economic, social, work and life) brought about by the knowledge explosion. Since it is a fundamental change, it is a revolutionary change.


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