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questions :Soil colloides
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Category :[Natural][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-06-27
The general name of soil grain with diameter of 2 to 0.001 m can be mineral, i.e. soil mineral colloid (inorganic colloid), mainly secondary mucous minerals. It can also be organic, i.e. soil organic colloids, mainly polysaccharides, proteins and humus. In most cases, it is an organic mineral complex, i.e. the core part is a mucous mineral, and the outer part is an organic film, which is adsorbed to the surface of the mineral colloid. Its characteristics are: (1) it is quite large than the surface area (1g colloid about 200 to 300m2), with considerable reaction activity and adsorption;


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