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questions :Structure of estuaries ecosystem
Visitor (47.11.*.*)
Category :[Science][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (223.166.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-07-13
Wetland ecosystem is a special ecosystem with certain structure and function, which is composed of wet, mesoth and aquatic plants, animals, microorganisms, and environmental elements through material exchange, energy exchange and information transmission. It is mainly distributed in areas where terrestrial and deepwater ecosystems transition to each other. The components of wetland ecosystem include biological and non-biological elements.
Wetland plants are the producers of wetland ecosystems and the main source of material and energy needed for the growth and metabolism of other biota in wetlands. There are some differences in the species composition and distribution characteristics of different types of wetland plants. It is mainly divided into wet plants, aquatic plants, salt plants, salt - resistant plants and mangroves. The consumers of wetland ecosystems are mainly flying birds and insects, mammals, amphibians and reptiles adapted to wet environments, aquatic animals represented by fish, and a wide variety of benthic invertebrates. Different types of wetlands, their consumer types also have some differences in composition.Microorganism is the decomposer of wetland ecosystem, which plays an important role in material transformation and energy flow of wetland ecosystem, restricting the type and succession of wetland. Microorganisms have a degrading and purifying effect on organic matter and toxic substances in wetlands. Wetland microorganisms mainly refer to bacteria, fungi, mold and line bacteria in water. The non-biological elements of wetland ecosystem refer to the physical and chemical environmental conditions and biomass metabolism raw materials, which together constitute the energy and material basis of biological growth and development...

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