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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-10-25
Cambridge is a place name synthesized by transliteration and Italian translation. Cambridge in English means the bridge of the Jianhe River. There is indeed a sword river, in the city to drive a large arc to the northeast. Many bridges were built on the river, so the city was named Cambridge. Cambridge, also known as Cambridge, is, like Oxford, a fascinating traditional university town (Cambridge University).
Cambridge is the capital of Cambridgeshire, the seat of Cambridge University, as early as two thousand years ago, the Romans in this about 90 kilometers from London camped out, the garrison. Nevertheless, cambridge was only a country town for a long time. It was not until the founding of Cambridge University that the name of the town became known, and today it is a city of 92,000 people.
Cambridge, though well-known with Oxford, is a world-famous institution, but the atmosphere here is different from Oxford. Oxford is known as "the city in the university" and Cambridge is "the city has the city in the city". Although many medieval buildings are preserved here, they are bright and modern in terms of the whole cambridge exterior. There are many theaters, art galleries and other facilities that are not commensurate with the size of the city, which makes this university city exude a strong literary and artistic atmosphere.
Cambridge is located in north London. Located on the plains, the Jian River flows from the city's West Gate through the city to the northeast, injecting into the Us River. Cambridge has existed as a university town since peter's College, the first college to open at Cambridge University at the end of the 13th century. Cambridge environment beautiful, green grass, famous for "Jesus" lawn, "Max" lawn, "sheep" lawn, such as velvet felt paving. Once in Cambridge, a bronze statue commemorating Cambridge students who died in the two world wars stands in front of them.

December 26, 2019, ranked 348th in the Global Cities 500 2019.



Administrative category


The region in which it belongs

Cambridgeshire, England



Famous attractions


University of Cambridge

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