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questions :smiling curve
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[Visitor (183.193.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-11-04
Smile mouth type of a curve, both ends facing up, in the industrial chain, the added value is more reflected in both ends, design and sales, in the middle of the manufacturing value-added is the lowest.

In the middle of the smile curve is manufacturing; On the left is research and development, which is a global competition; On the right is marketing, mainly local competition. The current manufacturing generated low profits, global manufacturing has been oversupplied, but research and development and marketing of high added value, so the future of the industry should be towards the smile curve at both ends of the development, that is, on the left to strengthen research and development to create intellectual property rights, on the right to strengthen customer-oriented marketing and services.

The smile curve has two main points, the first is to find out where the added value is, and the second is about the competitive pattern.
In the market, Huawei has also strengthened this low - cost, high - quality, large - scale advantage. In the 1990s, international brands had technological advantages, but they were much more expensive than Huawei, and their service speed was hard to keep up with." Wolf sex was once a symbol of Huawei's culture, pushing Huawei to take a break in the market. Large -scale marketers have identified Huawei's strengths in the market, providing customers with fast and thoughtful personal service. Zhou Jun, a former sales representative for Huawei hebei and Ningxia, said: "We maintain good relations with customers, even in some counties and cities have their own offices, ready to solve problems for customers, and international large companies in a province may only have a few people, how can we compare?"..

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