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Category :[Technology][Chemical Energy]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-02-10
Melting point: -115C
Boiling point: 90C
Water solubility: 133G/L(20C)
Refractive index: 1.399-1.401
Flash point: -11C
Density: 0.728
Property Description: Colorless or light yellow transparent liquid. Melting point -114.7 °C, boiling point 88.8 °C, relative density (20, 4 °C) 0.7275, refractive index 1.4010, flash point -11 °C. Soluble in ethanol, ether. Slightly soluble in water, the solution is alkaline. There is a slight smoke in the air, and there is a strong ammonia odor. Flammable, explosion limit 1.2-8.0.


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