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questions :Suggestion for the improvement of text book
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-02-18
Improvements in experimental materials

There are some innate deficiencies in experimental materials, and students lack operability when experimenting, which results in wasting the energy and precious time of teachers and students, and what is more frightening is to dampen students' enthusiasm for scientific inquiry. Therefore, the improvement of experimental materials is one of the main methods of experimental design improvement and innovation, and the improvement of experimental materials should be easy to prepare, easy to operate, inexpensive, able to replace the functions of materials in textbooks, and can make the experimental effect better.

Improvements in experimental methods
There are many methods of experimentation, but the effect of experiments is different from method to method. In the design of experiments, we use a method that is simple, easy to operate, and effective. With the continuous development of the times, the speed of textbook update is generally slower, some experimental methods and steps in textbooks can not meet the needs of teaching, not suitable for the development of students, which requires teachers to conduct experimental method research, but also can guide students to conduct experimental discussion, find more appropriate experimental methods, improve the success rate of experiments, and find the best way to solve problems.

Innovations in experimental design
Experimental design is often a difficult point in teaching, whether it is the experimental design carefully carried out by teachers or the experimental design carried out by group cooperation, all of which reflect the power of wisdom. Experimental design is a well-thought-out and mature idea, and the follow-up work is based on this, and the experimental design is equal to half the success. If it is a redesign of existing experiments, it is an innovation, which analyzes the shortcomings of previous experiments, finds out the causes, and then finds new ways to solve the problem, which promotes the optimization of experimental design. In this way, the effectiveness of experimental teaching can be improved, and students' hands-on ability and innovative thinking can be cultivated.

The experimental design conforms to the age characteristics and psychological characteristics of students, is convenient for students to operate, and is convenient for students to observe, so as to cultivate students' observation ability, experimental ability and thinking ability.

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