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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-03-06
Normal conjugate
Also known as π-π conjugate. Refers to the dislocation of electrons that occurs when two or more double bonds (or three bonds) are connected by a single bond. C.K. Ingold called this effect a brokering effect and argued that the displacement of such electrons in a conjugate system is determined by the electronegativity of the atoms concerned and the size of the p-orbital (or principal quantum number). Accordingly, the following electron dislocation occurs in a simple normal conjugate system: (e.g., CH2═ CH-CH ═CH2, CH2 ═CH-CH═O). The greater the electronegativity of the Y atom and the greater its p-orbital radius, the greater its ability to attract electrons, and the more favorable it is to the conjugate effect of the group-X Y from the reference double bond A B-attract electrons (as shown by the arrow on the right)..In contrast , if the electronegativity of the A atom and its p-orbital radius are greater , the less able it is to release electrons to move towards the Y atom , and the less conducive it is to the conjugate effect given to electrons in the direction of the -X Y group. The properties of intermediate atoms B and X are also directly related to the conjugate effect...
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-03-06

(1) One link and one link, metaphorically several things are closely related to each other.

(2) Describe the operation steps as compact and orderly.


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