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questions :mosaic model
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-08-14
In 1972, Sanger and Nixon summarized the achievements of membrane structure models and various new research technologies at that time, and proposed a flow mosaic model of biofilm.

Flow mosaic model, specifically refers to the flow mosaic model of the membrane. This model is a structural model of the membrane proposed for the cell membrane, describing the membrane as a structurally and functionally asymmetrical lipid bilayer, and proteins are distributed on the surface and inside of the membrane in a mosaic pattern, and can move within the membrane. This model can also be applied to membranes with subcellular structures.

Basic theory

The flow mosaic model of biofilm states that:
First, the phospholipid bilayer layer constitutes the basic scaffold of the biofilm, and this scaffold is not stationary. The hydrophilic head of the phospholipid molecule faces both sides, and the hydrophobic lipophilic tail faces relatively inward.

Second, the spherical membrane protein molecules are combined with the phospholipid bilayer in various mosaic forms, some are embedded in the surface of the phospholipid bilayer, some are fully or partially embedded in the phospholipid bilayer, and some run through the entire phospholipid bilayer. The asymmetry inside and outside the membrane structure is reflected here. In addition, most membrane protein molecules are functional proteins.

Third, most protein molecules and phospholipid molecules can move in the form of horizontal diffusion, reflecting that the membrane has a certain degree of fluidity.
Fourth, on the surface of the cell membrane, there is a layer of glycoprotein formed by the binding of proteins on the cell membrane to sugars, called sugar quilts. It has an important function in cellular life activities. For example: glycoproteins on the surface of epithelial cells in the digestive tract and respiratory tract have a protective and lubricating effect; Sugars are closely related to the recognition of the cell surface, such as the words or language used to communicate with each other, or between cells and other macromolecules. In addition to glycoproteins, there are glycolipids on the surface of the cell membrane that combine sugars and lipid molecules.
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-08-14
Mosaic model 3DMax


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