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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-09-25
O. Henry (September 11, 1862 – June 5, 1910), also known as William Sidney Porter, was an American short story writer and founder of the modern American short story, whose major works include "Maggie's Gift", "The Police and the Hymn", "The Last Leaf", "Twenty Years Later" and so on.
Born on September 11, 1862 in Greensboro, North Carolina, O. Henry worked as a bank clerk and pharmacist. In February 1896, O'Henry was imprisoned on charges of embezzlement of public funds and fled to Honduras. He was imprisoned again in 1898 and began publishing his work during this period. In 1902, O. Henry moved to New York and became a professional writer. On June 5, 1910, O. Henry died of cirrhosis in New York, USA. Alongside Chekhov and Maupassant, O. Henry is one of the world's three greatest masters of the short story, and has been hailed by critics as Manhattan's Essay-Laureate Writer and the Father of the Modern American Short Story, and his work has the reputation of "the encyclopedia of American life".


United States

Place of birth

Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Date of birth

September 11, 1862

Date of death

June 5, 1910


Critical realist writer

Representative works

Maggie's gift, the police and the hymn, the last leaf, twenty years later

Major achievements

Founder of the American modern short story
One of the "world's three great masters of short stories"

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