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questions :what is auscultation?
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-11-26
Auscultation is the use of ears or stethoscopes to hear the sounds that come out of the body. It is mostly used to listen to heart sounds, breathing sounds, etc. Commonly used stethoscopes have the effect of sound gathering and also have the effect of filtering clutter. Through auscultation, medical staff can diagnose whether there are lesions in the relevant organs according to the characteristics and changes of the sound (such as the wavelength length of the sound, the intensity of the sound, the interval time, the murmur, etc.).


Use a stethoscope to listen to the sounds that come out of the body


Direct auscultation and indirect auscultation


The auscultation environment should be quiet and avoid distractions

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