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questions :Names of major natural silk producing countries
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[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-01-17
1. China
China is the world's largest producer of silk, supplying about 79% of the world's raw silk. Silk quality is appreciated and trusted by users all over the world.
2. Turkey
Turkey has become one of the largest silk producers in the world, supplying large quantities of silk to the global market. Turkey has a huge industrial establishment and is developing the silk production sector.
3. Japan
Japan is one of the largest silk producers in the global market, and Japanese silk has a large share in the international market.
4. Germany
Germany is Europe's largest market for textiles and clothing, including silk. German consumers prefer natural fibers. Germany has been importing various silk garments, accessories (especially silk cushion covers) and upholstery fabrics. Now, Germany is one of the countries with a large production of silk in the world and has won a good reputation in the global market.
5. South Korea
South Korea is one of the fastest growing countries in the world in silk production, and sericulture is developing rapidly in Korea.
6. Vietnam
Vietnam produced about 450 metric tons of silk in 2015. Vietnam has two major silk-producing regions: Lower East and Bao Loc. Ha Dong is the downtown area of Hanoi city with many small silk factories, workshops and shops. Located in Lam Dong province, Pau Loc is the center of silk production in Vietnam. Baolou has many large silk production plants and private workshops.
7. Thailand
Thailand is one of the countries that produce silk all year round, accounts for a large proportion of the world's silk production, and has one of the highest quality silk products.
8. Brazil
Brazil is one of the largest silk producers on the South American continent. With the development of time, the Brazilian silk production industry is developing rapidly. Now, Brazilian silk production technology can produce high-quality silk.
9. Usbekstan
Today, traditional sericulture methods are still used in some areas of Usbekstan. Uzbekistan has always been one of the largest silk producers in the world.
10. India
India is one of the world's largest silk producers. Recent archaeological investigations have shown that the ancient Indus Valley civilizations of southern Asia also testify to the production of wild silk.

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