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questions :Virtual sex
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[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-01-23
Virtual sex is one of the behaviors that accompany information technology. Virtual sex refers to the pleasure and satisfaction of sexual pleasure and satisfaction obtained by both parties through tools such as telephone, mail, web chat, audio, video, etc., rather than through actual physical contact. Virtual sex itself is not a pathological behavior, but over-reliance on it to satisfy sexual desire can lead to virtual sex addiction and damage to real life.

What is virtual sex?
Adolescents have just woken up to sexual awareness and are the high-prevalence group for virtual sexual dependence. Because on the one hand, after the individual enters adolescence, the physical and mental development will naturally produce curiosity, impulses and fantasies about the opposite sex, on the other hand, social culture and moral norms require the repressed impulses of the individual. In this case, the Internet with a certain degree of security and anonymity has become a way for adolescents to explore sexual knowledge and eliminate sexual impulses.
Among adults, there are also quite a few who are addicted to virtual sex. Because the Internet provides enough space for people's imagination to create the perfect sex object. As an extended form of masturbation, many people think that it is harmless elegance and an adjustment to life. However, moderate and excessive scales are often difficult to grasp. Some people are restrained in interacting with the opposite sex in life, but they are like fish in water and full of charm online. The web compensates them for a portion of their unmet needs in real life, reinforcing individuals. But on the contrary, it also affects interpersonal development in real life.
There are partners in life, but each other's feelings gradually calm down, turning to virtual sex and seeking new thrills. Over time, real-life relationships can be difficult to maintain stability and long-term.

In short, virtuality itself is not a flood beast, but if it has a negative impact on work, schoolwork, relationships, romantic relationships, etc., virtuality may have changed from moderate love to dependence.
The poisoned person must first reduce the amount of time spent online. Second, spend more time socializing with your partner and participating in real-life social activities. For adolescents, schools should encourage normal communication and friendship between the opposite sex on the basis of sex education to relieve sexual pressure in an appropriate way. If the addiction is serious, you should seek help from a professional psychologist.
[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-01-23
The so-called virtuality means that the existence state and external manifestation of information productivity are intangible, and it permeates space with knowledge, information, information, messages, images, and words as its own form and the state of the field

The so-called virtuality means that its state of existence is intangible, and it takes knowledge, information, sound, images, words, etc. as its own form. It is the existence of a field without a fixed form
Government performance generally refers to the performance of the government in the performance of various functions. We need to analyze it from two aspects: on the one hand, the performance of government "output", that is, the performance of the government in providing public services and conducting social management. The so-called virtuality means that the existence form of the network world is intangible, and it takes electronic texts such as images, sounds, and information as its own form of existence

Virtuality refers to the transfer of people's practical activities to a network-based virtual electronic space. Network information and communication technology has blurred the boundaries between the real world and the virtual world, connecting the physical reality with the created reality, which fundamentally changes the way people know
Virtuality means that the online world is an illusory world created by individuals with personal computers, in which all organizations and institutions have no material objects, and the form is constructed by numbers and graphics

Virtuality means that an agile virtual enterprise does not need to formally hire many fixed talents, nor does it need to have any factories and equipment, it can choose to use external resources to complete any activity

The so-called virtuality means that the existence form of the network world is intangible, and it uses electronic texts such as images, sounds, and information as its own form of existence. People can use anonymous or virtual identities online, so they don't have to think about the actual consequences of their own speech
Virtuality is when the network creates a completely virtual space. In his book Digital Survival, Negro Ponty says, "In virtual reality you can open your arms, embrace the Milky Way, swim in human blood, or visit Alice in Wonderland."

This virtuality simply refers to its positioning in cyberspace. In terms of providing services to society, computer arts is no different from other industries, and still requires a sense of responsibility, moral self-discipline and professionalism

Although virtuality means that its state of existence is intangible, it takes information, images, sounds, words, etc. as its own form. We can think of it as the existence of a field, a trend, an artistic conception or a continuity
Virtuality refers to the characteristics of derivative financial instruments that are independent of physical movement but can bring certain income to holders of derivative financial instruments, and it is recognized that exploitation does exist in China's private economy

"The so-called virtuality means that the existence state of the Internet is intangible, and it takes knowledge, news, information, sound, images, words, etc. as its own form of existence." [5] Here, there are no gullies created by physical, class, and regional attributes in the real world

No matter what carrier it uses, each document has its own specifications, models, shapes, and symbols that record information, etc., which can be seen and touched


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