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questions :What is the concept of physical education?
Visitor (104.28.*.*)[Haitian Creole ]
Category :[Sports][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-02-07
Sports is a purposeful, conscious and organized social activity carried out in the development of human society according to the needs of production and life, following the law of physical and mental development of the human body, taking physical practice as the basic means, to enhance physical fitness, improve the level of sports technology, carry out ideological and moral education, and enrich social and cultural life, and is a special scientific field gradually established and developed along with the development of human society. The concept of sport has a broad and narrow sense.

A broad concept of sport
It refers to a conscious and organized social activity with physical practice as the basic means to enhance people's physical fitness, promote people's all-round development, enrich social and cultural life and promote spiritual civilization. It is part of the general culture of society, and its development is subject to the political and economic constraints of a certain society, and serves the politics and economy of a certain society.

A narrow concept of sport

It is an educational process of developing the body, enhancing physical fitness, imparting knowledge and skills for exercising the body, and cultivating moral and volitional qualities; It is the process of nurturing and shaping the human body; is an important part of education; It is an important aspect of nurturing well-rounded people.

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