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questions :Australopithecus
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[Visitor (223.104.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-02-24
Australopithecus fossils were first discovered in 1924 north of Kimberley, South Africa, where the skull of a juvenile ape was found. Later, it was also found in Makapan Caves and Downe in South Africa and in East Africa, such as Omo and Olduvey. These fossils are mainly skulls, mandibles, hip bones, teeth, limb bones, etc. The teeth, skull, hip bones, etc. of Australopithecus are similar to those of humans, and there are significant differences from apes, and they may have used tools and walked upright.
The earliest Australopithecus, its appearance age is less than 4 million ~ 3 million years, this species brain capacity is very small, males are obviously much larger than females, known as "Lucy" (Lucy) young female Australopithecus skeleton was unearthed in Ethiopia in 1974, because the skeleton is relatively complete, so that people can establish the walking form of ancient apes: with upright feet, staggering, scientists from the shoulder blade and arm bone analysis found: Australopithecus still maintains the climbing characteristics of primate distant ancestors. After that, Australopithecus africanus was found, presumably 145 cm tall, with an average weight of 65 kg for males and 60 kg for females, and a brain capacity of one-third that of modern humans.
Australopithecus has at least two types: stout and slender. The stout type weighs an average of more than 40 kg, has a brain volume of more than 500 ml, and is taller. The slender body is about 1.2 to 1.3 meters tall, with an average brain volume of less than 450 milliliters and a weight of about 25 kilograms.

It is generally believed that the stout type is the extinct side branch of the development of Australopithecus, while the slender type is the ancestor of humans. The stout type is a vegetable eater; The slender type is omnivore, and meat makes up a large proportion of food.
In the primeval jungle, people once encountered the terrible "wild man". They have long hairs on their bodies and a strand of pointed hair on their heads, and they are tall enough to stand, walk and run like people. Cameras lurking deep in the jungle once captured a "wild man" washing his hands and taking food. Some scholars believe that these "wild men" are survivors of the stout type of Australopithecus australopithecus.

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