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questions :Indie rock
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[Visitor (116.162.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-03-16
Indie rock is a genre of music from which rock music has developed. Indie rock and indie music can sometimes be interchangeable, but indie rock tends to have the nature of rock music and is more different from indie pop songs. However, there are many criteria for judging whether it is rock or not, both in terms of instruments (electric guitar, bass, and drums) or in terms of the more abstract spirit of rock.
Indie Rock is an abbreviation for independent rock. Indie rock musicians are generally signed to independent labels, not mainstream labels. Sometimes they don't sign up at all. Indie rock is not strictly a genre of music (although the term is usually used to refer specifically to bands such as those already influenced by sidewalks), but is often used to refer to a large part of the musicians or musical styles that promote underground cultural values, and is often referred to as rock music.Musical styles or underground styles associated with the indie rock direction include lo-fi, post-rock, garage punk, mood rock, sadcore, c86, childish rock, and digital rock, among others; Its related (and sometimes overlapping) musical classifications include self-appreciation bands and indie pop...
As a characteristic, indie rock musicians make it a priority to maintain their musical and professional independence, releasing records through their independent labels (and sometimes themselves) and promoting them through tours, word of mouth, and broadcasts on independent radio or university radio stations. However, the more popular of them often end up signing to major record labels, although their reputation is usually based on the success of previous independent performances.

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