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questions :V-shaped valley
Visitor (27.147.*.*)[Bengali language ]
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[Visitor (43.250.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-03-21
V-shaped valley
In the upper reaches of rivers and mountain rivers, due to the large vertical drop and flow speed of the riverbed, the weight of river water in the vertical direction is also large, which can produce strong erosion capacity, so that the river valley deepens faster than widening, thus forming a river valley in the shape of a "V" shape on the cross section.

For example, the Jinsha River Valley in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China, the valley slope is steep, the valley floor is narrow, the cross section is "V" shaped, and the narrowest part of the famous Jinsha River Tiger Leaping Gorge is only 30 meters. In the lower reaches of rivers or rivers in plain areas, the opposite is true, with less erosion capacity.


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