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questions :Leak cogicient
Visitor (213.207.*.*)[Albanian ]
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (43.250.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-03-24
Small holes leak

Usually the material passes through a small hole and continues to leak for a long time. Such as reactors, pipelines, valves, etc. have small holes or seal failure.

Extensive leakage

In a short period of time, a large amount of material leaks through larger holes. Such as pipeline breakage, rupture disc burst, etc.
[Visitor (43.250.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-03-24
Flow coefficient

It refers to the volume flow rate or mass flow rate of the pipe medium flowing through the valve over a unit time, under test conditions. That is, the flow capacity of the valve.

A higher flow coefficient value indicates less pressure loss as fluid flows through the valve.

The CV value of the valve must be determined by testing and calculation.

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