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questions :Resource reservation protocol functions
Visitor (46.161.*.*)[Arabic ]
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[Visitor (116.162.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-04-25
Resource reservation protocol RSVP
1. RSVP protocol:
RSVP (Resorce reSerVation Protocol) Resource Reservation Protocol is not a routing protocol, but a signaling protocol in IP networks, which is combined with routing protocols to achieve control of network transmission quality of service (QoS). RSVP was introduced to support integrated Internet services. This is a technique to solve QoS (Quality of Service) problems in IP communication to ensure end-to-end transmission bandwidth at points.

2. How the RSVP protocol works:
RSVP uses control datagrams, which include information that needs to be checked (and sometimes updated) by the router when transmitted to a specific address, and the upper data content is parsed if the router needs to decide whether to inspect the content of the datagram. The cost of such an analysis is not small.The current situation is that the network terminal uses it to apply for resources from the network, and in this signal indicating "application", the following information is included: The type of business? Type of user? What time? How much bandwidth do you need? Other references? After receiving the above type of information, the network will assign a priority code to the connection according to the actual situation, when the user uses the priority code for information transmission, the network does not need to re-analyze and judge the business, from another point of view, the use of RSVP can reduce the delay of the network information processing to a certain extent, improve the efficiency of network nodes, and improve the quality of service (QoS) of information transmission.RSVP is used in real-time applications to maintain the necessary resources in the transmission path to ensure that requests arrive...
RSVP is a profound step forward for IP routers to provide better quality of service. Traditionally, IP routers are only responsible for packet forwarding, knowing the addresses of neighboring routers through routing protocols. RSVP, on the other hand, is similar to the signaling protocol of circuit-switched systems, notifying each node (IP router) through which a traffic passes, and negotiating with the endpoint to provide quality assurance for this traffic. As soon as the RSVP protocol appeared, it immediately gained widespread recognition and was basically used to better solve the problem of resource reservation.

It is similar to the RTP protocol, RTCP protocol, and RTSP protocol are all four protocols similar to real-time media control.

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