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questions :Satellite Doppler measurement
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-05-12
Doppler frequency shift (also known as the Doppler effect), Doppler first discovered and named, refers to the change of the frequency received by the receiver relative to the frequency transmitted by the signal source when the radio receiver and the signal source move each other, that is, when the signal source is close to the receiver, the received frequency rises and decreases when leaving. The Doppler count refers to the difference between the reference frequency transmitted by the signal source and the frequency received by the receiver, and the integration of time over a certain time interval. The basic principle is to use the relationship between Doppler frequency shift and the relative displacement of the signal source and receiver, and the relative displacement of the signal source and the receiver can be obtained through observation, so as to achieve the purpose of positioning and navigation of the station.


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