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questions :Eye drops after catarak surgery
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Category :[Technology][Pharmaceutical Industry]
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-05-23
Eye drops after cataract surgery
Cataract surgery is a type of intraocular surgery that usually performs phacoemulsification of cataract and replacement of intraocular lenses because the opacity of the lens seriously affects vision. Generally, cataract surgery is followed by a series of anti-inflammatory and anti-edema treatments to promote wound healing. The commonly used anti-inflammatory drug is usually levofloxacin drop, or used in conjunction with hormonal drops, the commonly used Dianbishu drop. If edema is eliminated, praprofen or diclofenac sodium is usually used. If it is a unified anti-inflammatory and anti-edema potion, you can use Dian Bishu potion with Dian Bishu eye ointment.To promote corneal wound healing, calf blood eye gel or corneal potions such as fibroblast growth factor are used. Generally speaking, you can choose 2-3 kinds of syrup, it is best to choose anti-inflammatory, add an anti-edema, and then add a three-type potion that promotes corneal healing. In addition, you can use a comprehensive preparation, that is, Dian Bishu plus calf blood these two potions, generally after surgery...

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