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questions :What is foreign literature?
Visitor (106.216.*.*)[Kannada ]
Category :[Culture][Literature]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-06-07
Foreign literature refers to the literature of all countries in the world except China, which is generally divided into two parts: Western literature, that is, European and American literature, and Eastern literature, that is, Asian and African literature. Foreign literature spanned thousands of years and spread across several continents. In its field, great writers emerge one after another, and excellent literary works are as vast as the sea. It is a fruitful achievement of the spiritual civilization of human society.
The purpose of introducing foreign literature courses in institutions of higher learning is to enable students to acquire the basic knowledge of foreign literature more systematically, improve their ability to understand and analyze foreign literary works, and enhance their appreciation and aesthetic ability; For students majoring in Chinese normal colleges, it lays a good foundation for them to control the foreign literary works in secondary school textbooks in the future and correctly guide middle school students in extracurricular reading.


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