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questions :Explain the reason for the fall of the Roman Empire with special reference to Edward Gibbon's theory
Visitor (43.245.*.*)[Bengali language ]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-06-14
  The reason for the demise of the Roman Empire was the lack of a strong core ethnic group and assimilation ability, as well as the extreme imbalance between the east and the west, and finally formed Rome and Junburg, Latin-Greek, the two ruling cores, neither language nor cultural unity, which directly led to the later division. The connection between East and West is one-way. Great empires have to pay attention to a hit on the head and tail, and the tail should be the first to respond, so that the hundred-footed worm can die without stiffness, and resurrect over and over again.
  In the later Roman Empire, the Christianity that was focused on cultivating developed and grew, and theocracy overwhelmed imperial power, resulting in the authority of the Roman Empire ceased to exist! In the late Roman Empire, there was an emperor named Emperor Constantine, who saw the constant civil strife in Rome and thought of a way, that is, thought control, just like Chinese Confucianism governs China. Everyone fasted and chanted, so Constantine the Great vigorously cultivated Jesus' Christianity so that every Roman believed in God.
  I just didn't expect that it was easy to ask God to send God, and I lifted a stone and shot myself in the foot. At the beginning, everyone still received results, everyone believed in God, the mind was stable, but Christianity has a rule, as long as you believe in God, everything you have to be handed over to God, your body and mind belong to God, and Christianity allows you to do whatever you want.
  Later, the development of Christianity became larger and larger, even reaching the point that theocracy overwhelmed imperial power, and the pope could accuse the Roman emperor at will, the Roman emperor did something wrong, the pope asked you to apologize and admit your mistake, and the emperor also admitted defeat and admitted his mistake. The Roman emperors had no authority, and like ordinary people, they had no sense of identification with the Roman Empire, anyway, it was enough to have God. Therefore, the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire made the Roman Empire lose its authority, the rule was unstable, when the Western Roman Empire collapsed, no one was willing to save, the Roman Empire was not important, it was enough to have God.

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