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questions :Antique Jewelry
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-09-07
"Antique Jewelry" is a book published by Ten Thousand Volumes Publishing House in 2000, written by Li Yinghao. This book mainly introduces the style of antique jewelry works from several different periods in China and the West. The book contains more than 450 pieces of rare and antique jewelry in real color, which are magnificent and pleasing to the eye. Quality, handworkmanship and vintage are all important bases for evaluating the value of antique jewelry


Lee Young-ho

publishing house

Million Volumes Publishing Company

Date of publication

1 October 2000




16 On


The first series of this book introduces the basics of identifying antique jewelry, including antique gemstone cutting, old bench mounting, etc., and provides tips for cleaning and maintenance. The second and third series introduce antique jewellery made from different Chinese and foreign materials, such as gold, diamonds, pearls, coral and other colored gemstone ornaments. The fourth series provides an overview of the style of jewelry in the West at different times.

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