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questions :Story of Positivism
Visitor (175.176.*.*)[Filipino ]
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-09-08
Positivism: is a Western philosophical school that emphasizes sensory experience and rejects the metaphysical tradition. Also known as positivist philosophy. Born in France and Britain in the 30~40s of the 19th century, the founder is the French philosopher and the ancestor of sociology A. Comte, mainly represented by J.S. Mill and H. Spencer in Britain. Its formation was marked by Comte's six-volume Lessons on Positive Philosophy, published successively in 1830. The basic characteristics of positivism are: it reduces the task of philosophy to the study of phenomena, takes the phenomenological view as the starting point, refuses to grasp sensory materials through reason, and believes that scientific laws can be obtained through the induction of phenomena. It takes the relationship between philosophy and science as the central issue of its theory, and seeks to dissolve philosophy in science.


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