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questions :Worship of the gods
Visitor (115.133.*.*)[Malay ]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-09-22
Nature worship is the worship of nature gods. It includes three aspects: celestial bodies, natural forces and natural objects. Such as sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, stones and trees, birds, animals, fish and insects, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, etc. This is the primitive society in which people regard changes in natural phenomena, especially those that directly affect human existence, as human, thoughtful entities, thus arousing people's worship of them. The reason for this phenomenon is that on the one hand, nature provides material materials and conditions for human survival, and on the other hand, it often brings great disasters to human beings. Therefore, when people are neither aware of, much less able to transform the forces of nature, they personify them, consider them spiritual, and worship them as living gods.They even gave form to natural forces, and natural gods such as Rain Master, Fengbo, Lei Gong, and Yunjun appeared. They face a vast and complex world and regard all incomprehensible natural phenomena as objects of their worship. The worship of natural forces is directly manifested in the worship of natural objects themselves...
Ancient Egypt is a major country of religious beliefs, the earliest religion is fetishism, ancient Egyptians believe that all animals and plants in nature have a god, in many gods mainly believe in "sun god", "Lai god", "Osiris god".Ancient Egyptians' worship of the sun god is mainly derived from the natural climate of ancient Egypt, the sky of ancient Egypt is clear and cloudless all year round, and the hot sun shines on the rich and beautiful Nile River all year round. The warm sun brings people a bountiful harvest. Therefore, the ancient Egyptians regarded the sun as the creation god of all natural things, and they believed that the "sun god" could protect the country and ensure the eternal existence of the entire ancient Egyptian nation.The ancient Egyptians later combined the sun god with man, and identified the ancient Egyptian king Pharaoh as the "sun god" of the world, that is, the god of Lai. The heavenly Lai God rules all things in the universe, and the earthly Lai God rules the whole country, he is the god of justice, honesty, and maintains the moral norms of the whole world, he is majestic, sacred and inviolable, and he is a symbol of supreme power. Therefore, ancient Egyptian dances rarely show Lai Shen, but in sculptures and paintings, there are more images of Lai Shen, these images are stereotyped, serious, without any expression, showing fearless, calm and calm commander temperament. In ancient Egypt, neither the sun god in the sky nor the sun god on the earth did not dance, it was just an idol revered by people.The sun god and the god of Lai are gods who cannot dance, but the dance of worshiping the "sun god" occupies an important position in ancient Egypt, and the dance of worshiping the sun god is related to the mentality of people praying to the sun god to bless the entire country and the stability and happiness of the entire nation and bless the harvest of goods, which is the manifestation of the religious consciousness of the ancient Egyptians...
Cultural influence constitutes an important social background and historical factor in the worship of ancestor gods, and the reason why ordinary people worship their ancestors as gods is also closely related to their concept of god worship. In fact, ancestors are not the same as ancestor gods. Ancestors were mortals during their lifetime, while ancestor gods were superhumans. The purpose of people's sacrifices to their ancestors is to make him shade his descendants and make the clan prosper and develop his career. And the worship of the ancestor god, in addition to hoping that he will shelter his descendants, is more important to pray that he can ensure the safety of the party, protect against disasters, and protect the country and the people. Most of the people who can evolve from ancestors to gods were Taoists during their lifetimes, and they were folk Taoists with magic power and strong spells.These people live among the people all year round, eliminating disasters and relieving evil spirits. Especially those Taoist priests with strong spells can deal with the evil gods for a long time and "subdue" them, which in the eyes of ordinary people has simply become the embodiment of God. It is only natural that they are worshipped as gods after death. As we mentioned earlier, Tu Dalang, Lai Balang, and Li Golang all fought with the communes before their deaths, and after their deaths, the local clans enshrined them to replace the status of the communes and protect the safety of the places where their descendants lived, which is a reflection of this concept of god worship. This concept of god worship, along with the folk Taoist traditions of the time and the local indigenous people, is also another type of Chinese folk belief..

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