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questions :How important is roland's song to French culture
Visitor (185.221.*.*)[Albanian ]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-10-18
Like other national epics in the West, the Song of Roland, the earliest national epic in France, was first sung by bards for a hundred years, and it was not until the 11th century AD (written between 1087 and 1095) that the first manuscript appeared. Judging from the narrative writing of "The Song of Roland", the author is clearly a monk with good Latin cultivation, who is both devoted to Christian doctrine and advocating the spirit of martial arts - Charlemagne's heroic might, Olivier's wisdom and reasoning, and Roland's courage and fortitude are all qualities that are highly respected in the epic.The epic material comes from the Battle of Longsevo commanded by Charlemagne in 778 AD, the protagonist of the work is one of Charlemagne's twelve ministers, and is also Charlemagne's nephew, and finally died in battle. Due to the fierce competition between Christianity and Islam in the Mediterranean, folklore inevitably seeped into a distinct political and religious color, and after generations of oral transmission, the Song of Roland gradually became an important chapter in the long holy war...

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