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questions :Words with homogeneous syllables
Visitor (106.193.*.*)[Kannada ]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-10-20
Words with uniform accent
Every word has an accent, and there is only one accent in a word. Taking the word Melody, the first step: the syncopated word Melo dy (first part dy: is a fixed suffix so it must be together, second part lo: a vowel letter plus a consonant letter, The third part Me: a vowel letter plus a consonant letter).Step 2: Find the accent, according to the principle of the penultimate three syllables and words with more than three syllables are stressed in the penultimate one, so Melody's accent is on Me. The third step is to read the accent.In this way, you can spell out the word step by step, just like pinyin, and finally spell out the whole word, this method as long as you practice more, then you can directly read the word at a glance, making you feel that reading any word is as simple as reading China. This method is called phonetic password and you can try this to find out...


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