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questions :Features of the cultural landscape
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-10-29
There are many different definitions in academia, but here are a few common ones:
【Definition 1】Humanistic landscape refers to the landscape picture composed of scenery formed by history and related to people's social activities, including buildings, roads, cliff carvings, myths and legends, humanistic stories, etc. The cultural landscape is a product of society, art and history, with the imprint of the historical environment, artistic ideas and aesthetic standards of its formative period, including places of interest, cultural relics and art, folk customs and other tourism activities.
【Source】Aesthetic Logic and Psychology in the Discourse of Ancient Chinese Architectural Aesthetics... Hubei Social Sciences, 2004, Jiang Xiaoxi
【Definition 2】Cultural landscape refers to historical and cultural monuments, such as cultural relics and historic sites, religious sites, ethnic customs and ancient buildings. According to "Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms: Wei Shuhao's Eighteen Records": "Pang De often rides the White Horse Yu (Guan Yu) Army, and the White Horse General is afraid of it. ”
【Source】Historical Review of Wulingyuan Scenic Area, Journal of Changde Normal University (Social Science Edition), 1997, Dai Chuzhou
【Definition 3】The so-called human landscape refers to the various cultural phenomena and achievements of human society that can be used as a landscape, and the landscape is dominated by man-made events and human factors.
【Source】On the Role of Human Landscape in Scenic Area Planning, Journal of Tianjin Agricultural University, 2002, Zhou Huachun.
【Definition 4】Cultural landscape refers to the unique local characteristics of tourism resources. Ethnic customs and historical, cultural and other values. The cultural landscape brings tourists the unity of image beauty and artistic conception beauty, which can reflect special history, local and national characteristics or a special atmosphere of a foreign country and a different place to a large extent.
【Source】Several Problems in Protecting the Quality of Tourism Landscapes "Creation" 1997, Sheng Shilan.

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