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questions :Ranunculus repens petals
Visitor (92.184.*.*)
Category :[Natural][Vegetation]
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-11-04
several basal leaves; Leaves round-hearted or pentagonal, 3-10 cm long and wide, heart-shaped or truncated at base, usually 3 deeply lobed not reaching the base, middle lobes obovate wedge-shaped or broadly ovate or rhomboid, 3 shallowly lobed, margins coarsely toothed or notched, lateral lobes unequally 2-lobed, pubescent on both sides, densely hairy underneath or young; The petioles are up to 15 cm long and pubescent. The lower lobes are similar to the basal leaves, with the petioles shortened agradually, the lobes smaller, 3 deeply lobed, lobes lanceolate, with canine teeth or re-division; The uppermost leaf is linear, entire, sessile.


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