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questions :What is the beginning of Hachiko's story
Visitor (110.54.*.*)[Filipino ]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-11-10
In the opening, the story of the protagonist's grandson's class leads to the story of his grandfather's dog, and the movie opens like this.

At the beginning of the story, it must be raised first until the dog. So, at the beginning of his grandson's story, our grandfather picked up a puppy at the train station and brought it back to raise it himself.

Maybe as everyone guesses, if someone in a family that doesn't have a dog suddenly wants to raise a dog, someone must stand up against it, saying: Our family must not have a dog! And this person, I usually feel like it's going to be a mom. According to the seniority in the plot, we should call it grandma, but, this. It still looks relatively young.


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