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questions :Tamil Languages
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-12-03
Tamil (தமிழ்), belonging to the southern Dravidian language family, is the most important language in the Dravidian language family and one of the languages recognized by the Indian constitution. It is distributed in Tamil Nadu and has a population of about 35 million. It is also used in parts of Sri Lanka (about 2.5 million people) and to a small number in islands in Southeast Asia, East Africa, South Africa, the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific. Tamil has formed its own literary language in 300~100 BC and adopted the Southern Brahmi alphabet. This is where the modern Tamil language was developed.
Dravidian language family
Use the total population
About 74 million people
Foreign name
தமிழ்; Tamil; タミル語
Southern language family
Region of use
India, Sri Lanka and other places


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