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questions :The history of the literary environment
Visitor (110.54.*.*)[Filipino ]
Category :[Culture][Literature]
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-12-10
The Historical Background of Taiwanese Literature

Vernacular Literary Movement
In 1919, Taiwanese students in Tokyo reorganized the original "Enlightenment Association" to establish the "Xinmin Association" and founded the magazine "Taiwan Youth", thus launching the prelude to various political and social movements in this stage These modern literatures, which got rid of ancient poetry, are the initiators of Taiwan's vernacular literary movement, and are also considered by scholars to be closely related to China's May Fourth Movement or vernacular literary movement.However, because of the involvement of China, the Taiwanese vernacular literary movement was abolished or suppressed by the Taiwan Governor-General's Office soon after its rise (but after June 1, 1937, after the abolition of the Chinese language of the daily newspaper, there were still 5 Chinese-language publications, which shows that the Taiwan Governor-General's Office only abolished the Chinese column of the daily newspaper, and the Chinese language of the magazine was not completely abolished)...
Literary polemics

In the 1930s, Taiwan's literary reconstruction, similar to the vernacular literary movement, did not disappear immediately because of the deliberate suppression of the Taiwan Governor-General's Office. In the early 1930s, the Taiwanese vernacular dialect controversy, which affected Taiwanese literature, language, and ethnic consciousness, was officially launched.
In 1930, Huang Shihui, a Japanese resident of Taiwanese origin, provoked a "vernacular literature controversy" in Tokyo. In 1931, Guo Chiu-sheng, who was in Taipei, stood up to echo Huang Shihui, and further provoked a Taiwanese literary polemic and advocated that writers should use Taiwanese dialect to engage in literary creation, which echoed and won the full support of Lai He, the father of Taiwan's new literature.However, due to the emergence of the subsequent war system and the infiltration of Japanese-style education and culture, these debates could not be fully developed, and they were finally defeated under the policy of the Governor's Office to make the people a comprehensive emperor...

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