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questions :The importance of Pantheon
Visitor (180.74.*.*)[Malay ]
Category :[History][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (111.55.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-12-20
The Pantheon in Rome, after thousands of years of trials and rains, is now well preserved, and is indeed a rare treasure in architectural art. Although it is inconspicuous among the thousands of buildings in the city of Rome, there are even many friends who go to Italy to play, because they regret not to find it.
But when you are there, when you stand under that huge dome, you can probably appreciate its greatness. The immortal design concept and great design concept of the Pantheon are enough to deserve the admiration of future generations. Time is gone, it is probably one of the few things that allows us to see the grandeur and glory of the Roman Empire in the past, and it can also teach us to understand that a country as powerful as the Byzantine Empire will also decline and disappear with time, but the spirit of the Roman Empire will not be erased, and accordingly, art will also be immortal.

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