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questions :Functions of the colosseum
Visitor (183.78.*.*)[Malay ]
Category :[History][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-01-02
Ancient Roman art tended more towards worshipping realistic, secular people. Therefore, its artistic style is full of human consciousness and human scale. It is under the influence of this "human nature" that ancient Roman architecture has integrated the functionality of art into the sublime shape with the help of more advanced technical means, and has achieved its title of "eternal capital".
Ancient Roman architecture was able to meet a variety of complex functional requirements, mainly relying on the high level of arch structures to obtain wide internal spaces. The arch structure has been promoted because of the use of pocanolic concrete with high strength, convenient construction and low price. The Colosseum is a combination of these two technologies, and its design is so advanced that we can still see it in all modern stadiums. It embodies the art and science to the fullest, and deservedly becomes the immortal symbol of the "Eternal Capital".

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