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questions :Circular economy in chain
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Category :[Economy][Enterprise][Economic Theory][Management]
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[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-02-19
Circular economy chain
It requires that economic activities be organized into a feedback process of "resource-product-renewable resources", which is characterized by low extraction, high utilization and low emissions.
Theoretically, "reduce, reuse, and recycle" can include the following three levels:
(1) The green design of the product runs through the concept of "reduction, reuse, recycling". The design of each link of use, recycling, and recycling after disposal, that is, the design of the entire life cycle of the product.Designers are required to consider the basic functional attributes of the product while also considering the prevention of the negative impact of the product and process on the environment...
(2) The concept of "reduce, reuse and recycle" runs through the whole life cycle of material resources in their development and utilization. That is, in the resource development stage, the rational development and multi-level reuse of resources should be considered, the design idea of product reuse and recycling should be considered in the product and production process design stage, the multi-level utilization of resources and the integrated and standardized design idea of production process should be considered in the design of production process system. Process integration and waste reuse are considered in the product transportation and sales stage, product service life extension and resource reuse are considered in the circulation and consumption stage, and resource reuse and waste recovery and recycling are considered at the end of life cycle stage.
(3) Redevelopment, utilization and recycling of ecological and environmental resources. That is, the reproduction and reuse of renewable resources in the environment, the rehabilitation, reuse and recycling of space and environmental resources.
For the boundary between reuse and recycling, recognize that the reuse of waste has the following limitations: The first is that reuse is still essentially an afterthought, rather than a preventive measure. electricity and many other substances, and many new pollutants are discharged into the environment, causing secondary pollution.The third is that if the content of reused resources is too low, the cost of collection will be high, and there will be no economic value for reuse...
Circular Economy "3R" The sequencing of principles actually reflects the three processes of people's ideological progress on the issue of environment and development since the second half of the 20th century: the first stage, recognizing the harm of pursuing economic growth at the expense of environmental damage, people's thinking has been raised from discharging waste to requiring waste purification through terminal treatment; in the second stage, it is recognized that the essence of environmental pollution is the waste of resources, so it is required to further sublimate waste from purification of waste to waste through reuse and recycling; and in the third stage, it is recognized that the use of waste is still only an auxiliary means, and the highest goal of the coordination of environment and development should be to achieve a qualitative leap from waste utilization to waste reduction.Correspondingly, in human economic activities, different ideologies and understandings have led to the formation of three different ways of using resources, one is the traditional way of combining linear economy and end-of-line treatment, the other is the resource recovery mode that only allows the principle of reuse and recycling to work, and the third is the low or even zero emission mode that includes the entire "3R" principle and emphasizes avoiding waste...
Now the academic community has put forward the "4R", "5R", "6R" principles, such as "reorganization", "rethinking", "remanufacturing", "re-repair" in addition to "3R", etc., we believe that these principles are for some different levels or fields, such as the management level, the consciousness level or some industry areas put forward more specific and targeted principles, which are reasonable, but can not replace the basic and universal nature of the "3R" principle.

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