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questions :Nadele van n boog brug
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[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-02-23
Disadvantages of arch bridges

(1) the self-weight is larger, and the corresponding horizontal thrust is also larger, and the engineering quantity of the substructure is increased, and when the unhinged arch is adopted, the foundation condition is required to be high;

(2) arch bridge (especially masonry arch bridge) generally adopts the method of supporting construction to build, with the increase of span diameter and bridge height, the cost of support or other auxiliary equipment is greatly not increased, thereby increases the construction difficulty of arch bridge, improves the total cost of arch bridge;

(3) Because the horizontal thrust of the arch bridge is larger, in the large and medium bridges with continuous porous, in order to prevent the damage of one hole and affect the safety of the whole bridge, more complex measures need to be adopted, or a one-way thrust pier (brake pier) is arranged, and the cost is increased;
(4) compared with the beam bridge, the building height of the upper bearing arch bridge is higher, when used for the bridge of the urban property crossing and the plain area, the elevation is increased because of the bridge, and the engineering quantity of the cross-bank wiring increases, or the longitudinal slope of the bridge deck increases, both increases the cost and is not good for driving.

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