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questions :The sinking goddess of fate
Visitor (89.142.*.*)[Slovenian ]
Category :[Culture][Myths and legends]
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[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-04-01
Greek goddess of fate

The fate of Cloto and the city of Troy
Legend has it that during the Trojan War, the undead warrior Greek Achilles was invincible and invulnerable, and the Greeks led by him entered the city of Troy, seeing that Troy was about to suffer the fate of slaughtering the city.Croto then told the soldiers defending the city of Achilles' weakness, and the latter was shot in the ankle by an arrow from the Trojan prince Paris, and the death of Achilles inspired the Trojan warriors to bravely defeat the invaders and thus avoid the slaughter of the city...
The fate of everyone in the world is in the hands of Klotto, the goddess of fate, and they cannot be grasped and known in advance, and no one knows what will happen in their lives, so whenever they encounter setbacks, blows and failures, people often pray in front of Klotto's statue, praying that the generous and merciful goddess of fate can turn things around and bless good luck.

Cloto's treasure

Spindle of Fate

The red thread of everyone's fate is wound around the spindle of fate, which Westerners tie to their bodies in order to obtain the blessing of the goddess of fate, and at the same time symbolize the holding of fate firmly in their own hands.

The goddess of fate is in the West
Just as the Easterners believe in karma, Westerners also believe that man's destiny is determined by heaven in the dark, and the so-called "heaven" refers to the goddess of fate, Klotto. Although people have their own destiny and destiny varies from person to person, most Westerners still firmly believe that fate can be changed, of course, provided that the goddess of fate is open. As a result, people always like to pray for the favor of the goddess of fate at critical moments, although it sounds a bit like "temporary Buddha's feet", but people still flock to it.

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