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questions :why is the fish there is it for scale
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[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-10-23
Why are the fish there for the scales

Fish scales are a structure on the surface of a fish's body that provides a variety of functions to the fish, including protection, friction reduction, camouflage, and body shape. The following are the main functions of fish scales:

Protective: Scales act as a hard shell that protects fish from external environmental hazards, such as predator attacks and friction in the water.
Maintain body shape: Fish scales are the equivalent of exposed bones that help fish maintain their body shape.
Reduced friction: Scales reduce friction in the water, allowing fish to swim more smoothly in the water.
Disease resistance: Fish scales help fish fight disease and protect fish from microorganisms in the water body.
Camouflage: The scales on the belly of the fish can reflect and refract light, helping the fish to camouflage and avoid being detected by predators.
Regulate water: Fish scales help fish regulate water in the body, preventing excessive water in freshwater fish and water loss in marine fish.

Therefore, the presence of fish scales is essential for fish, not just for the scales themselves, but for the multiple functions mentioned above. Without scales, fish may not be able to survive in the water


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