2008 year:(sanitation)or ('Water and Sanitation for Life')
(supporting the International Year of Sanitation)
2007 year:(Coping with Water Scarcity)
(This theme highlighted the increasing significance of water scarcity worldwide and the need for increased integration and cooperation to ensure sustainable, efficient and equitable management of scarce water resources, both at international and local levels. )
2006 year:(water and culture)
(Water is not only essential for life, it is also a wide-ranging cultural presence -- an inspiration for artists, a focus of scientific research, and an indispensable element in the religious rituals of many traditions and faiths.)
2005 year:(water for life)2004 year:(water and disasters)
2003 year:(water for the future)
(It calls on each one of us to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of fresh water available to future generations. )
2002 year:(water for development)
2001 year:(Water for Health)
2000 year:(water for the 21st century)
1999 year:(everyone lives downstream)
1998 year:(ground water -- invisible resource)
1997 year:‘Water Resources Assessment’or“(The World's Water: Is There Enough? )
1996 year:(water for thirsty cities)
It emphasized the growing water crisis faced by cities across the world which threatens the sustainability of their social and economic development.
1995年:(women and water)
1994年:(Caring for Our Water Resources Is Everyone's Business)
Category :[society][Public interest Charity] Upload Member :EBK(engbaike)