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Father's Day Messages

Lots of Love and cuddles


Dear Daddy

I love you so much,

I wish I could prove it to you.

I don't know where to start,

all I want to do is prove that I can do all I wish forand all you wish for me to do.

I also want to prove that I can put my way through to the next level.

If so it be, may god help me and you and see you through.

I sent this song though Father's Day is on third Sunday of June. I believe I have not been living up to your expectations. I hope you keep on praying for me.

Have a pleasant and wonderful day.

Chinasa (Natasie)

Just a short message to say Happy Fathers Day! Have a great day. We both love you very much.

Love Asifa and Aisha

Dear Papa

Thank you 4 everything. We may not have said it often, but how could we let this day go by without saying how much you mean to us. We appreciate everything you have done for us. Thank You.

Lots of Luv

Ruchi Batheja

Dear Papa

You are the guiding star of my life who held my finger and showed me the path of knowledge and life.

At times when my life was like a candle in the wind you put your hands around so that all all the burns were your and all the light was mine.

Thanks for everything You did Papa

With lots of love



Respected Papa

I have always admired you and respected you for being the most upright person I have known in my life. I know you do not show your love for your daughters so openly but you love us a lot. I know I have hurt you a lot at times and let you down when you expected that I will prove myself. I am really Sorry Papa, but I did what I thought was good for me. I take responisibility of every decision I made.

We might not have had a lot of interaction but you have made a maximum impact on the way I think and react. Your principles have been the guiding force in my life. I hope I will follow them all my life.

Best part about you as a father has been that you never really taught us anything. You just lived your life and showed us the path of rightful living. You provided us with all the essentials of good life and never made us compromise on anything. Without ever showing how hard it could have been for you to provide such a decent life to all of us.

Category :[Life][Festival]
Upload Member :EBK(engbaike)

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